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Heart-to-Art: Woody Adventures #2

This is a continuation from my previous Hong Kong post! In Part Two, I will focus on food and other miscellaneous things. Yay!


One of the best things about Hong Kong (besides the delicious food) is its transportation system.  The light rail system, known as the MTR, can get you anywhere cheaply; the lowest train ticket was less than a dollar!

Woody figuring out map of MTR routes.
Woody figuring out the map of MTR routes.
The clean and colorful light rail train.
A clean and colorful light rail train.
On the train with my younger cousins.
On the train with my younger cousins.

Besides the MTR, Hong Kong also has an extensive bus system that includes cable cars, regular buses, and double deckers.

View from the top deck of the bus.
View from the top deck of the bus.

Street Food

Street food in Hong Kong is AMAZING.  Hong Kong (and most other Asian countries) are well-known for their street food and nightlife. Hong Kong, in particular, has plenty of street food so you’ll never go hungry. Several popular street foods include curry fishballs and egg puffs. Most things are sold on skewers so that it’s convenient to eat on the go. (One of my personal favorites was the grilled squid legs!) Woody and I also found a small place that sells fresh, delicious jerky; it was so warm and sweet and delicious!

Woody admiring yummy squid legs.
Woody admiring yummy squid legs.
Fresh, delicious jerky found in the fishing village, Tai O.


Convenience stores in Hong Kong are everywhere, almost every block has one! While convenience stores carry a variety of items, they all have one thing in common: snacks. Asians snacks are my childhood: Pocky sticks, shrimp chips, rice crackers, packaged seaweed, etc. In Hong Kong, the amount of unique snacks will amaze you. My mom found packets of instant durian coffee– a mixture of two things she (and I) love.

A wide variety of snacks at a convenience store.
A wide variety of snacks at a convenience store.
A bag of very aromatic durian coffee packets.
A bag of very aromatic durian coffee packets.


Dessert in Hong Kong is its own meal and one of the things I looked forward to the most on my trip. Woody especially loves black sesame soup!

Cold milk pudding with red bean on top.
Cold milk pudding with red bean on top.
Warm black sesame dessert with sago.
Warm black sesame dessert with sago.

Dim Sum

Dim Sum is way cheaper in Hong Kong than it is in SF. It’d be crazy to go to Hong Kong and not eat dim sum. The taste and quality of dim sum over there is insanely good.

Stacks of good dim sum.
Stacks of good dim sum.


Although most Chinese bakeries serve warm buns that are ideal for breakfast, Woody noticed that a lot of bakeries in Hong Kong serve cute mini-cakes and desserts that look almost too good to eat.

Cute animal-face cakes on display.
Woody looking at cute animal-face cakes on display.
Superhero-themed puddings lined up by color.
Superhero-themed puddings lined up by color.

Overall, Woody and I loved Hong Kong. Although I was most looking forward to our Japan part of the trip, I was very happy with my family’s trip to Hong Kong. Ten out of ten stars!