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Musique Nonstop: A Sentimental Summer

By the time you read this, I will have graduated from high school. It’s difficult to tell right now how I feel about graduating, except that it was definitely both a surreal and anticlimactic experience. Despite my current emotional confusion, this whole last month has bombarded me with all sorts of nostalgia for my younger days, and of course, for the music of my childhood. And I mean all the music of my childhood. In my last post, I revealed to you a little more about myself and how much electronic music has played a role in my growing up. But alongside the ambient music, good ‘ol ‘80s New Wave and folk were playing in my house too (and just as loudly). So, as a toast to a crazy four years, here’s an eclectic playlist to kick off your summer with some easy-listening sentimental hits.

(And as always, here’s a link to the YouTube playlist.)
