I have begun to choreograph for my piece, and the very first obstacle I have run into is simply finding a space to choreograph in. So far, I have created about one minute worth of choreography. (The picture above is a rough sketch of some of the movements that I have incorporated into my dance.) The biggest challenge I face when choreographing is my own inconsistency. Sometimes, I have many ideas and am very efficient at coming up with new ideas for movements. Other times, I feel as though my brain is buffering, and I take a very long time to choreograph, which discourages me. To help with this, I usually take a break and listen to other music until I feel fresh and ready to continue. However, I would like to find other ways to help my creative thinking process. Something I learned from my experience is that documenting everything you create is very important. There have been countless times that I forgot what I choreographed and had to start over where I left off. Not only does it help me remember, but it also it is satisfying to see what I came up with in physical form. I’m excited to see the end product of my dance video! See ya later, alligators.