Cotton Candy Melodies: Not A Bad Thing

Hey everyone! I am finally back with another track! This time, I am covering “Not A Bad Thing” by Justin Timberlake. Honestly, I wish I had some really cool story about my decision to cover this song, but truthfully, I chose it simply because I really like this song. I watched a few covers and a live version of Justin singing “Not A Bad Thing” and I just really enjoyed listening to it. I liked how it sounded sweet yet groovy—the two exact things that draw me into songs.

Recording this song actually didn’t take a lot of time. We recorded about four or five takes, which was faster than normal. The lights at the studio were also broken, so it was very dark. Instead of being a bad thing (pun intended!), this actually helped me get “in the mood” for the song, since it felt like I was the only one there.

After recording, Jon and I sat down to listen to the last two takes. I was torn. They both sounded good, but one had a more cozy feel, while the other one felt more confident. I really liked them both, and at first I leaned more towards the cozy track. However, as indecisive as I am, I still really couldn’t decide. I kept listening to both takes and comparing them. Ultimately, I ended up going with the cozy take of the cover, as I felt it was more personal and expressed the song better. With this song, I thought it was better to sound more intimate.

So without further ado, come listen to my track above! I hope you enjoy!