Dancing with the Lions: Gee Tuc Performance Trailer

Hey, it’s Ricky here from the San Francisco Hung Sing troupe. Featured in this trailer is a small taste of what our troupe did at the annual Gee Tuck Family Association performance. At this event, various branches of Hung Sing congregated and performed their kung fu sets and lion dance routines. We started off the event with an altar bowing, a pack of red firecrackers, and a mass lion dancing. Bowing to the altar shows our respect to the association, the firecrackers scare off bad luck, and the lions represent good luck. After the firecrackers and mass lion dance comes a series of kung fu sets and lion dance routines. Every set or routine starts with three bows or a salute to the association and the audience. Doing a salute or bow exhibits respect to the association, audience, and other lion dance groups who may be watching.

ricky_lion_dance_ella_BIllustrations by Ella Luna

Click here to see my previous post, which explains lion dancing and its background in more detail.