Come with Chloe…: Minnesota Street Project & Museum of Design!

What’s new, boo boo? This post is long overdue, but I will finally tell you about the time I visited the Minnesota Street Project! And I’m also throwing in a bit of the Museum of Craft and Design (which is down the street), just because why not?

Hito Steyerl's How Not to be Seen: A F*cking Didactical Educational .MOV File
Hito Steyerl’s How Not to be Seen: A F*cking Didactical Educational .MOV File
Museum of Design
Museum of Craft and Design

I visited the Minnesota Street Project almost a month ago to attend their showing of Hito Steyerl’s How Not to be Seen: A F*cking Didactical Educational .MOV File. Though I did not get to explore all fourteen galleries located in the building, I was still boggled by the artwork I did get to view. In fact, I was so boggled that I ended up watching the F*cking Didactical Educational .MOV File again when I got home (it was still boggling). There is a difference between watching the piece when its being projected at the gallery and watching it from the screen of your phone on the YouTube app —it definitely changes some of your perceptions of the film. (Or really, not “perceived”) (do you get it?) (cause of the title of the project) (do u feel)


Although I went specifically for this showing, I had my mind set on going to the Bass and Reiner gallery (inside Minnesota Street) because Ivan Iannoli had an exhibit open. Sadly, the second floor galleries were all closed that day. However, I did return with our Sunset Media Wave crew and guess what? It was closed again. My life is sad. But it is A-OKAY because I got to view all the galleries and the artist studios across the street which was heckin’ rad. There was also a little doggo there named Cooper that was just chillin’ in one of my galleries with one of my favorite exhibits, so you should go visit him if you decide to visit!

Anyway, since the galleries were closed during my initial visit, I decided to visit the Museum of Craft and Design, which just so happened to be a block up! They had two exhibits that are still running: Lines that Tie , which features work from Carole Beadle and Lia Cook; and Constructed Communication, which features work from Nakayama, Venom, Sinbondit. My favorite piece was from the Constructed Communication exhibit and it was a collection of Nakayama’s different calligraphy and print pieces. I really liked how he included the sketch marks from his drafts and how his work builds character by not being completely perfect and crisp.



My initial trip to the Minnesota Street Project and The Museum of Craft and Design was actually my first time in the Dogpatch area of San Francisco and I really enjoyed it. It was difficult getting there but it was definitely worth it. 10/10 would go again!

Venom’s work
Lia Cook’s work

If you ever find yourself in the Dogwatch neighborhood of San Francisco, don’t be afraid to head to the Minnesota Street Project or Museum of Craft and Design to check out some sick art! Also walk around the area, it definitely has its own vibe compared to the Sunset District or the SOMA area. Until next time!