Sonder Street Studios: A Farewell

Time flies. I’ve heard it a thousand times, but I’ve never felt is as acutely as I have as a senior in high school, seeing this past year disappear in the blink of an eye. Everything is happening so fast, and I’m not alone in wondering where all the time went. The entire graduating class is scrambling to say our goodbyes and make summer plans, not yet fully internalizing the reality that there is a chance that these rushed moments may be the last times we will see each other for a long time, or possibly even forever. Everyone is on the move, packing up to move across the state, the country, and the world. Never before has it been so worthwhile to reflect on the life we’re now leaving behind.

This is my last post here on Sonder Street Studios – it’s been an incredible learning and growing opportunity. Through this column, I’ve finally reached out to people that I’ve wanted to talk to for years, and have reflected on people whose significance in my life I’ve never taken the time to fully appreciate. I’m excited for the coming years, and am grateful for the degree of closure I’ve acquired. I have Sunset Media Wave to thank for that. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time at this ‘studio,’ and if you ever have a moment to spare, consider taking a step back and looking at your own life as a work of art. What genre, what style, what emotion does your life’s depiction exude, and how has it magnified your own personality’s colors? Are there characters from your childhood in the foreground and backgrounds of the painting, and have they lent a helping hand in sculpting you into the person you are today? Maybe you have a friend you haven’t talked to in a long while, a person you haven’t had the chance to meet yet, or simply a person in your life who could use a bit of appreciation.

Regardless of the nuances between your situation and mine, just remember that it’s often too easy to take your environment for granted, and that it’s worthwhile to be appreciative of anything and everything around you. So reach out, take a risk, and break free of those comfort zones you’ve been hiding in for so long. You never know until you try, and once you do, may you continue to revel in the streets with the humbling rapture of sonder.