Apex After Apex: Watercolor

Welcome to the final post in Apex After Apex. I decided to challenge myself by using watercolors to draw my pen and paper post one last time. My experience with watercolors hasn’t been great because it’s a hard medium to work with. In fact, it might be the most challenging project I’ve ever done. There were a couple of problems, as I expected. 

First of all, once the paint dries there is no ability to make readjustments so I discovered that I couldn’t fix little mistakes that I didn’t like. Secondly, watercolors are often transparent, so you can easily see areas where the colors overlap each other. These problems came up time and time again, but I still just kept going and completed the piece. By the end, I managed to finish the project with mixed feelings.

It’s been quite a journey doing this column. In the beginning of this project, I thought I could do this with ease and without any struggles, as I easily finished my first few projects. But as I worked on my acrylic, block making, and watercolor posts, I realized that a medium can’t be perfected in one try, as it takes time and patience. The ones that I had done with ease, are the ones that I took the most time trying to perfect. Mediums that I attempted for the first time took hours, if not days to finish. Even though I finished my project, I know there’s always room for growth.

I want to thank Sunset Media Wave for their never-ending help and assistance with my column, as well as to everyone who read my posts. Thanks for joining me on my journey or artistic experimentation!