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Otherworldly: Spiky

This is Jaden. She is quite introverted, with a tight-knit group of four best friends. They all enjoy classic 80’s music, and their favorite bands are U2ACDC, and The Cure. Jaden, being a part of the photography club at school, makes them model for her pictures. She has a bearded dragon, Heisenberg, whom she named after her favorite TV show, Breaking Bad. She almost always wears matte black Dr. Martins. Her room leads to her backyard, which consists of a ton of cacti. After a long day of working at the Yerba Buena bowling alley, she rides home to the Haight on her deep blue moped and goes to the backyard to decompress in her hot tub. I’m meeting her for a lunch date at In-n-out, and she just arrived, so I’m signing off.